Monday, April 4, 2022

African Diaspora at Internet Archive: Annancy Stories

Following up on the Anansi books from yesterday, I wanted to share a much older Anansi book, by a surprising author who also did the illustrations for the book: Annancy Stories by Pamela Colman Smith.

Do you recognize her name? First take a look at some of the illustrations and see if they remind you of anything:

Yes, this is Pamela Colman Smith who did the artwork for the famous Waite-Smith tarot deck. I've got a randomizing widget of that deck (find out more) which I'll paste in here; that way you'll see an image from the deck at random whenever you reload this page:

I can definitely see her style here in the Anansi illustrations. How did she come to write this book? Smith lived in Jamaica in the early 1890s when she was a young teenager (she was born in London in 1878), and her mother continued to live there when Smith moved to New York City; you can find out more about her life at Wikipedia, which is also the source for this portrait from 1912:

So, especially if you are a fan of Smith's tarot deck, take a look at this book, both for the art and for the stories!

by Pamela Colman Smith

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