Tuesday, February 15, 2022

African Diaspora at Internet Archive: The Dark Way

Since I've done a series of supernatural stories for the full moon this week (see the posts from Sunday and Monday), I wanted to share one more supernatural book today; it's by the great Virginia Hamilton! I've written earlier about her books A Ring of Tricksters and The People Could Fly, and here's her supernatural anthology: The Dark Way: Stories from the Spirit World.

The stories come from all over the world, and the illustrations are by Lambert Davis. There are four African and Diaspora stories, starting with the legend of Rolling Rio from North Carolina:

... a Bouki and Malice story form Haiti: 

... a Kikuyu legend from Africa about the swallowing earth:

... and the African American legend of the witch's skinny:

So, enjoy these stories and all the rest, and I'll be back with some more ghost stories for the full moon tomorrow.

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